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Exploring online research methods - Incorporating TRI-ORM

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Jones, S. G. (ed.) (1998) Doing Internet Research. London. Sage.


[External Link - opens in a new window] http://www.sagepub.co.uk/ book.aspx?pid=102508


Whether or not one believes the hyperbolic claims about the Internet being the biggest thing since the invention of the wheel, the Internet is a medium with great consequences for social and economic life. Doing Internet Research is written to help people discern in what ways it has commanded the public imagination, and the methodological issues that arise when one tries to study and understand the social processes occurring within the Internet. Each contributor to the volume offers original responses in the search for, and critique of, methods with which to study the Internet and the social, political, economic, artistic, communicative phenomena occurring within and around it. This book provides encouragement for readers getting started with Internet research and also provides perspective on this new and ubiquitous communication medium.








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