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Madge, C. (2006) Online questionnaires: Sampling issues. Available from http://www.geog.le.ac.uk/orm/questionnaires/quessampling.htm [Accessed: 14.02.06]
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Exploring online research methods in a virtual training environment (2006) The evaluation process Available from http://www.geog.le.ac.uk/orm/background/eval2.htm [Accessed: 14.02.06]
Any material taken from the case studies and examples included in the modules must also be referenced with name(s) of the contributor(s), module title, page title, case study or example title, page URL and date of access as in the following example:
Hewson, C. (2006) Online questionnaires: Sampling issues. Empirical evidence regarding the folk psychological concept of belief. Available from http://www.geog.le.ac.uk/orm/questionnaires/quessampling.htm [Accessed: 14.02.06]
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This has been produced with material from the ESRC-funded training package (Award reference RES-333-25-0001) 'Exploring online research methods in a virtual training environment' © 2004-2010. All rights reserved.