Lmmd6.ws is an MLwiN dataset containing data from the ESS (variable names in lower case) and data from the Eurostat New Cronos in variable names in (UPPER CASE). The data have been pre-sorted by country id, to allow multilevel modelling to be carried out. Age and the long term unemployment variables have each been centred by subtracting the mean. This improves the substantive interpretation of the multilevel models because a value of 0 on a centred variable represents the mean of that variable.
The MLwiN information on 'cons' and 'demon' necessary for multilevel logistic regression analysis has also been added to this dataset. Some additional variables on political interest, member of a group and gender are also available on this dataset to allow further explanatory variables to be added to the models described here. An interaction between the long term unemployment for 2002 in each country (from the Eurostat New Cronos) and the age of each person (which has been centred) has already been created by multiplying these two variables together.