lmmd6.ws is an MLwiN worksheet containing the variables. No models have been previously specified or run on this dataset. The variables on this dataset are:
Micro data:
Ctry_name -name of country (string variable)
Ctry_id -country level id
Individual id -individual id
Turnout -voter turnout (dependent variable 0=didn't vote, 1=voted)
Age_at_elec -age of respondent at most recent election
Polintr -interest in politics
Partymember -member of political party?
Minethnic -in minority ethnic group in country of residence?
Female -0=male, 1=female
Macro data:
LTU2002 - % long term unemployment 2002
LTU2003 - % long term unemployment 2003
centrLTU2002 = LTU2002 -mean (centred)
centrLTU2003 = LTU2003 -mean (centred)
Micro / Macro data interactions:
Cent_LTU2002*age = centred long term unemployment 2002 * centred age of
Cent_LTU2003*age = centred long term unemployment 2003 * centred age of respondent.
MLwiN variables:
Cons - a column of 1s
Denom - a column of 1s.
The Lmmd6 dataset has 3362 cases and is sorted by ctry_id. This is a 10% sub-sample of the original ESS dataset. 20 of the original 22 countries in the ESS are common to both ESS and Eurostat New Cronos.
Lmmd6.zip is an SPSS .sav file containing all variables listed above except the MLwiN specific variables
Lmmd6_example.xls is an Excel spreadsheet containing all variables listed above, except the MLwiN specific variables.