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"Blix Report"

UN Weapons Inspection Reports on Iraq

We have collected data from major British, US-American and German newspapers on the so-called Blix Report, January 27, 2003. we apply content, discourse and content analysis to makes sense of the data.

We use traditional content analysis in the comparison of the discourses about the Inspection Reports in the media coverage of the three countries in question:

"Dr. Blix and Muhamad Elbaradei"

The UN Weapons' Inspector Reports on Iraq in the US-American, British, and German Press

Based on a sample of 281 articles from the US, the UK, and German newspapers, commonalities and differences in national reporting on the 2003 UN weapons reports on Iraq are examined. A content analysis confirms previous findings on the countries. Namely, the US press is the least state centered, the British press the most opinionated, and the German press the most internationalist. Each national reporting also favors sources from its own national polity. Despite these differences and starkly diverging political opportunity structures, reporting on the UN report shows little difference in content. All three countries exhibit a strong bias towards Western/G8 sources and neglects voices actors from Middle East, which is geographically speaking the most effected region. The treatment of the two Weapons' Inspectors, Hans Blix and Mohamed El Baradei, contains overtones of orientalism across the entire sample.

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