Kish L, Survey
Sampling, Wiley first published 1965, now in
Wiley classics edition , excellent comprehensive and
clear overall reference text.
Cochrane W. G. Sampling
Techniques, Wiley, first published
1953, various later editions. All the basic results you need
for design based inference, in mathematical notation.
Moser C and Kalton G
Survey methods in social investigation, Heineman,
1971 Classic general text, now pretty old, but much of it
still relevant. Now in paperback.(Dartmouth)
Levy PS and Lemeshow S
Sampling of populations, Wiley, 1999.
Barnett VSample Survey,
principles and methods, 3rd edition, Arnold 1974
Czaja R and Blair J
Designing Surveys: A Guide to Decisions and
Procedures, Pine Firge Press, 2004 General book,
practical and up-to-date,
Brewer K Combined sample
survey inference, Weighing Basu's elephants, Arnold
Chambers RL & Skinner
CJAnalysis of survey data, Wiley 2004
Sarndal CE, Swenson B,
WretmanJModel assisted survey
sampling , Springer 1992
Little RJA & Rubin DR
Statistical Analysis with Missing
Data, Wiley, 2002. The bible for
missing data problems.
Schafer J Analysis of
Incomplete multivariate
data.CRC press, 1997.
Comprehensive introduction to imputation with Normal
distributions and categorical data.
Rubin DRMultiple
imputation for non-response in surveys Wiley 2004