Q1: I am analysing a weighted survey, but I don't have any special survey software. I have made sure that my weights add to the achieved sample size and then I use a simple weighted analysis in SPSS. Is this OK?
Q2: I see that in order to get the correct design effects
design factors in
SPSS I need to make sure my weights add to the population size. But I
don't have information on how large my population was. What should I do?
Q3: My superviser says I should use multi-level modelling for clustered samples. Is this the same as analysing a survey and setting a cluster option in a survey package? Is multi-level modelling better?
Q4: Obviously, it isn’t a good idea to use weighting if your values vary enormously (for example, you have 96 males and four females, and you are attempting to balance it to 50:50. At what point would you say that it is unadvisable to use weighting e.g. is it closer to a 75/25 or 50/50 spilt on values?