1.3.1 Survey and aggregate data
Example 1: anonymised data
This example using the statistical software package SPSS shows how data can be viewed in its raw
or with additional variable information.
Example 2: UKDS.Stat
UKDS.Stat showing some typical aggregate data.
1.3.4. Creating aggregate databanks
Example 3: Labour force survey
Unemployment is one of the most closely watched measures of the health or otherwise of a nation's
economy. But how is it calculated? World Bank databanks
Example 4: WDI - Global
This example based on the World Bank World Development Indicators shows the how the percentage of
population that live in a cities has changed over time for selected Asian countries
Example 5: Workers
This example from the World Bank International Debt Statistics shows workers remittances. IMF databanks
Example 6: IMF Direction of Trade This example shows Iraqi trade with the rest of the world during the period 1981-2005. IEA databanks
Example 7: From the IEA This example shows CO2 emmisions from electricity generation in Latin America. UN databanks
Example 8: From ILO Key Indicators An example showing the average annual hours worked in Europe. World Values Survey
Example 9: World Values Survey This example shows how level of happiness vary with a measure of a country's income per person.