What is Discourse Analysis?
A Primer on Discourse Analysis
- Potter, Jonathan & Margeret Wetherell (1987): "Discourse and Social Psychology," London et al.: Sage.
- Edwards, Derek, and Jonathan Potter (1992): "Discursive Psychology," London: Sage.
- Potter, Jonathan (1996): "Discourse Analysis and Constructionist Approaches: Theoretical Background" in: John T.E. Richardson (ed.): " Handbook of qualitative research methods for psychology and the social sciences," Leicester: BPS Books.
- What is meant by "discourse analysis"?
by Stef Stembrouck of the University of Gent. - Cognitive Discourse Analysis:
by Teun A. van Dijk of the University of Amsterdam. - Discourse Analysis
by Deborah Tannen of Georgetown University. Discourse analysis: A Bibliographical Guide
by Martyn Hammersley- Lecture Notes on Discourse Analysis Consise notes on the basic ideas and varieties of discourse Aanalyis (by Charles Antaki)
- Papers by Norman Fairclough to download
Problems & Critiques
- Antaki, Charles, Michael Billig, Derek Edwards, and Jonathan Potter (2002) "Discourse Analysis Means Doing Analysis: A Critique Of Six Analytic Shortcomings", Discourse Analysis Online 2.
- Loughborough's Discourse and Rhetoric Group
- DAOL — Discourse Analysis Online
DAOL is a brand new internet zine on Discourse Analysis
- Discourse in Society
- Critics-L
Listserv for practicising Critical Discourse Analysts
Low-traffic listserv for Discourse Analysis
Working Group on Discourse Analysis, yearly workshops for junior academics interested in Discourse Analysis.