NVivo has its origins in NUD*IST, but it has evolved into a much more visualizing program than NUD*IST's immediate succesors N4 and N6.
- Okzan, Betul C. 2004.
"Using NVivo to Analyze Qualitative Classroom Data on Constructivist Learning Environments." The Qualitative Report 9 (4): 589-603.
- Welsh, Elaine. 2002. "Dealing with Data: Using NVivo in the Qualitative Data Analysis Process." Forum
Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research 3 (2), <http://www.qualitative-research.net/fqs-texte/2-02/2-02welsh-e.htm>
(last accesssed: April 5, 2004).
Not strictly speaking a review, this paper disusses some uses of NVivo in the "qualititative" research process.
(Media) Research, in which NVivo was used
- Yamaguchi, Tomiko, Craig K. Harris and Lawrence Busch. 2001. "Agrifood Biotechnology Discourse in
Paper presented at the Joint Annual Meetings of Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society and the
Association for the Study of Food and Society. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota. July 7
10, 2001. <http://www.einaudi.cornell.edu/southasia/workshop/pdf/agrifood.pdf>,
last accessed: April 5, 2004.
- Methodology: Purpotedly discourse analysis, Grounded Theory, and frame analysis, emphasis on frame analysis
- Data: Newspaper Articles (digitized) from Nexis/Lexis™
- Topic: Discourses about agribiotechnology
- Software Version: 1
Further Resources on NVivo
- QSR Forum
Mailing List on NUD*IST, N6, and NVivo.